Are you Focusing on What Matters Most?
I can picture this like I am in the room. A group of students sitting in a classroom, elementary or middle school students, with their teacher asking them what they want to do when they grow up. Some will say they want to be a professional athlete while others will want to be doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, firemen or police officers. I never ever heard someone say they wanted to be a recruiter or a consultant working with organizations. I know I didn’t, but that is where I have ended up.
My career has had some interesting stops along the way and I can look back now with fondness to see how these varied steps have directed me to what I really want to do when I grow up. I have learned that I want to help people and help organizations grow and develop. How could I have ever envisioned this when I was a young man? I had no role model who had ever done this, so how could I envision that career path?
During the course of this journey I have also learned that making the maximum amount of money has never been my ultimate goal. I often joke with others and tell them that what I really do is help others find their best career fit, and that most of the time I get paid for this. I honestly always get something in return, even if that is only the satisfaction of helping another human being.
Why am I sharing this now? Is this really newsworthy? I think it is and here is why.
We live in a world where people are often guided or directed toward not what they want to do, or what they might excel at. We often direct others to places of comfort, stability or maximum financial return. I will admit that I like comfort and stability at times, but there is also a feeling of excitement and gratification when taking a risk pays off. There is also great learning that takes place when that risk does not. Making mistakes is not a a problem to avoid, but making the same mistaken often is a problem.
After just having turned 60 a few months ago, I stand at the precipice of another great life opportunity, the arrival of my first grandchild, a grandson. I reflect back and remember that my father never had the chance to meet my sons due to his early departure from this world. My hope is that my being here will make a difference in the life of this young man and any other grandchildren who follow.
What matters most for me is to help others make a difference. It has only taken me 55 to 60 years to figure this out, but I finally got there.
What matters most to you?
Are you focusing on this?
If not, why not?