Reflections on the 65th lap
In June of this year, I will turn 65 years of age. At this point that is just another number, but there are some interesting demographic circumstances that are connected with my 65th birthday. I’ll share a few of those in this post and some reflections about how I view life now versus how I might have done so a decade or two ago.
Earlier this month the Wall Street Journal shared an article pointing out that this year will have the largest group of people turning 65 in history. I knew the boomers had an impact on our country, but I didn’t realize my cohort was that large. The article points out some interesting things that have occurred with that group. Some of them apply to me (still working) but some do not (higher rate of divorce).
Here are things I am noticing more of at this point in the journey (sample size of one, being me):
- I seem to be attending more funerals, especially those of close friends
- My tolerance for wasting time is less than before; I am trying to make good use of my time
- This may seem like a conflict with the last statement, but I try not to get too worked up over small issues
- I often reflect on what I was doing 10, 20, or even 30 years ago
- I am much more focused on my physical health. This includes physical activity and it has also spilled over to my mental health and my eating habits. I try to minimize the junk I put into my system and I have stopped consuming alcohol except in the rarest circumstances (one beer in 2024 so far)
- I think a lot about the world my children and grandchildren will inherit from me and my peers. One of my greatest interests is spending time with my grandchildren and sharing experiences with them.
- My view of my parents has changed, especially my mother; let me share more-My mom worked outside the home most of my childhood until she had a stroke in 1975-in today’s world she would have received accommodations under the ADA because she had no toes on her right foot, the result of an accident on the farm when she was growing up. She lived her entire adult life with a prosthesis in her shoe and never complained much about it. I never gave it much thought then, but I often think about that now, in light of how the workplace addresses such issues.
So what is the point? The point is this. My life continues to evolve and I seek to make a difference through my work and sharing my time with my family. I also have a number of causes I spend time with to help improve the futures of young men and women through Scouting, the YMCA, and the ACE Mentor program. I plan to continue doing just the same until my body and mind (and my wife) tell me it is time to do otherwise.
If you turn 65 this year, how are you reflecting on this circumstance?
If you have recently turned 65, was it a life-changing event for you?
Come back for more on this topic in next week’s post.