Invertebrates in the Office

For those of you who are biologists, I apologize in advance.  I am a recovering physicist and my knowledge of biology is limited.  To be more specific, I have never taken a biology class in my life.  Not sure how I avoided this, but I did.  Physical science, chemistry, and physics cover my school transcript, but not a biology class to show.

Now that I have clarified this I would like to kick off this series on dealing with Invertebrates with the first post in recognizing this species in your workplace.  I’ll share a few examples today and they we will dive deeper, perhaps you might say we will dissect this subject, next week and the following week.  For now, let’s learn what an invertebrate is and how to tell when you are working with or for one.

Here is one of the best definitions of Invertebrates I have found, courtesy of the University of Michigan’s biokids site:

Invertebrates are animals with no bones; nearly all the ones you’ll find have lots of legs (6 or more!) or none at all.

As I further develop the term invertebrate in the workplace you will see why I chose this definition in comparison to others.

Let’s compare the biological invertebrate with the workplace invertebrate so that you can see the similarities:

Now that we have a basic comparison we can lay the groundwork for our next posts.  When I return in the following weeks we will discuss the following:

I’ll be back next week to discuss how we identify and confront the invertebrate in the workplace.  I would encourage you to reply to this post with examples you have seen of these two-legged species you have known or worked with.

Dealing with this species is frustrating for all concerned and we will also discuss some of the fallout that occurs when there are invertebrates in key roles in an organization.

Trust me, it isn’t pretty.