Sleep may be one of your best allies

In the busy world we live in I know that many of you reading this don’t sleep enough. I know this because people tell me they don’t sleep enough and I also see the impact of lack of sleep. The impact is far-reaching and my post today will cover what I have learned about sleep and why you need to sleep more.

Matthew Walker is recognized as one of the leading experts on sleep. He wrote the book “Why We Sleep” several years ago and I keep going back to read it and refer to it. The video below will give you a good overview of what the book says:

Now that you have watched the video are you convinced that you need to sleep more? Here is how lack of sleep affects your life:

Each of us has our own personal experience with lack of sleep. There are seasons of life that lend themselves to not sleeping. For me those times were college, being a parent of young children and also becoming a business owner. I forgot to mention the nights with less than stellar sleep when our sons were teenagers.

The health of an leader plays a direct role in how the organization functions. You cannot cheat sleep and if you try, you will lose.

I look forward to your replies. You might want to sleep on it first before you do reply. 🙂